“A consultant is someone who takes your watch away to tell you what time it is ” stated by BBC News Business report

Although this quote reflects the opinion of many people in our society, the truth is consultants’ work is based on credibility. Consultants do not perform the role of mere observers; they provide advice and expertise to the company based on its status, historical

Today, over 700,000 consulting firms provide advantageous services across all aspects of business globally; which drives us to wonder about the reasons behind this desire of choosing consultancy as a professional career aside from the salary that is considered the biggest factor.


 The word that best describes consultancy is that it’s unlimited. Being a consultant allows you to dive into different projects in a wide variety of fields: marketing, finance, IT… This appealing characteristic is demonstrated not only in projects, but also in the colleagues you will work with, and clients you will meet. You will gain experience across sectors, industries, and even countries, as many consultancies also offer travel opportunities. Therefore, a career in consultancy is highly versatile.

Practice decision-making:

 You may not be the CEO (yet!), but consulting puts you in the leader’s shoes. You will figure out what keeps business owners up at night, and get exposure to their short and long-term worries. It will become your responsibility to deal with the issues senior leaders face; which will help you to practice critical and strategic thinking. Inevitably, practice walks you through the bridge between you and success.

It is undeniable that your work as a consultant has a huge and paramount impact on the company as a whole.

Continuous Learning:

Choosing consultancy as a career path is like choosing an endless road of growth. “There’s a lot to learn and this can seem daunting, but everyone here is extremely helpful, so the learning and training have been continuous on each team I’ve been on.” says Louise Meredith, a consultant at Alfa. Consulting firms dedicate time and energy to train their staff; you will be your firm’s main asset. 

The fact that there is a vast variety in the advisory areas is valid proof that you will acquire a different set of skills and interests. 

Achieving Results:

‘’There are interesting projects that get implemented relatively quickly, allowing you to see the outcome of your hard work’’ says a consultant at Alfa.

There is no bigger satisfaction than witnessing the result of your efforts. You will reach that level of professional fulfillment not only by benefiting your client and enhancing his profits, but also by improving your own skills, and preparing yourself for bigger projects. Every client you work with and every project you invest your knowledge in makes you closer to more mind-blowing career opportunities.

 Consultancy is the one place where you find everything you’re looking for. This enriching career path doesn’t ask you to have a certain degree in order to get exposure to different industries and functions, develop valuable skills, travel, and work in a team-oriented environment. 

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